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Acting classes

Why do we run a separate LGBT+ acting class (heterosexual friendly)?

Discrimination is part of everyday life of LGBT+ community. We want to create a platform for people where they can share their unique experiences or explore important to them themes in a safe and comfortable space.


Do I need to commit to a block of classes or can drop-in when it suits me?

No commitment required but think of a gym training, it’s pretty much the same principle. You will fully benefit from regular exercises and see the progress such as improve your confidence, self-esteem and opportunity to make life lasting friendship. However, we recognise that coming every week might be not be your thing and it is ok to come when you can.


What is the costs? Are the classes free?

Yes, we secured funding to run classes.


What are the house rules?

The only thing we ask is to accept people around you for who they are. We are strictly committed to equality and diversity rights. We will not tolerate hatred, anger or any negativity towards others. We have a Code of Conduct for you to sign before you join the class. Click here to get the copy if you wish to read it before attending.


Do I have to take part or can observe only?

We would need you to take a part. This is because it can make other participants uncomfortable being watched.  There are some games you might need to opt out for different reasons (health). You will need to discuss it with Sebastian. 


Do I need to bring anything?

Bottle of water. Change of clothes. A towel. A notebook and a pencil if you wish to make notes. Open mind and enthusiasms.


Are the classes physical or theoretical?

They are FUN classes. Very interactive and physical. You will have a taste of how actors would train. We will be discussing and reflecting on some of the exercises.  


Do I need to speak good English?

Speaking fluently would definitely help. However, the exercises are easy and simple and there will be no problem to enjoy the sessions if English is not your best. Let Sebastian know before the class.


If I have disability or any physical limitations can I still attend?

Absolutely. We would love you to attend. Please let Sebastian know about it before you come to a class to find the best way of working together. 


Copyright © Big Boots Theatre Company Limited 2021. All images and materials used on this site belong to Big Boots Theatre Company Limited. 


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